VR Space Station Tiberia VR

Company: VR Escapism


130 Davis Dr b1, Newmarket, ON L3Y 2N1 ()


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This is Commander Butler with Mission Control. You’re moments away from docking with Earth Meteor Defense Platform Tiberia, which has recently been crippled by an intense radiation storm. Time is of the essence so let’s review the mission parameters.

The largest meteor humanity has ever encountered is enroute to earth. In 35 minutes it will impact the station; 10 minutes after that it will end life as we know it. We need you to restore functionality to the station before that happens. After docking you will need to reactivate the critical internal systems before heading out onto the station’s exterior to repair the Anti-Meteor Laser array. Any questions?

Alright, you’re moving out of communications range, so you should only count on being able to contact mission control twice before the end. Good luck astronauts, and godspeed.

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