Escape game Murder Mystery

Company: Cariboo Escape


1271 BC-97 Unit 104, Quesnel, BC V2J 2Y3 ()


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At the same location


There's been a murder! While attending Lord Harrington's annual dinner his Lordship leaves the room for a short time and suddenly there is a loud bang! You were the last to see him alive, so suspicion quickly turns to you. The quick-thinking Colonel jumps to conclusions and forces you into Lord Harrington's study and locks the door behind you while the police are called.

You know you're not the murderer, but you need to find out who is, where he was killed, and with which murder weapon so you can tell the police when they arrive to arrest you in an hour.

Can you solve the crime before the police arrive?

You have 60 minutes to find out who the real killer is, what room the murder was committed and the weapon they used, before the police arrive and take you away!

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