Escape game The Locker Room

Company: Trapped


10809 100 St Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2M7 ()


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Tonight is the championship game! Your rivals are still furious about losing the trophy to the Storm last season. Now it’s a rematch! Only this time, your opponents are making sure they can’t lose!
A few minutes before the puck is to drop, a group of key players (that's YOU) is urgently called back to the Storm's LOCKER ROOM for some important information. With no time to spare you and your teammates quickly return.
When you enter THE LOCKER ROOM, a strange feeling that something is amiss takes over your body, and the door slams behind you. You are locked in! A letter addressed to the “losers” is found and some strange items have been placed inside the locker room.
Can you escape before your opponents steal the Championship?

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