Oh no! ...Granny's in trouble. While she is away some no-good dirty rotten scoundrels are going to try to steal her gold. This is your chance to be a hero and be Granny's "Guardians of the Gold".Details:
This is a Battle Room. The Battle for Granny's Gold features two adjoining rooms separated by a door. The "Guardians of the Gold" are on one side trying to save Granny's gold. On the other side are a "Bunch of Bandits" trying to swipe Granny's gold. The teams race against the clock and each other to get to Granny's gold first in an experience you'll never forget!Please note that “World of Escapes” provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal does not have the ability to verify the quality of the services provided, and all information about the project is gathered from publicly available sources.