Escape game The Vigilante’s Maze

Company: Border Escape


5208 62 St Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E4 ()


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Empire City is under threat! The notorious Doctor Plague, a villain on the rampage, has been terrorizing its citizen with one twisted crime after the next. Only one woman has stood between Doctor Plague and his quest for power: the heroic Masked Vigilante. Unfortunately, Plague has now captured the Vigilante and is holding her prisoner at the center of a torturous maze. As long-time fans and admirers of the vigilante, you have broken into the maze and made your way to its center, only to discover Doctor Plague’s ultimate evil plan: in this room is hidden an explosive device that is set to level the city in one hour. You will only have 60 minutes to solve Plague’s puzzles, discover how to defuse the bomb, and locate the exit key to free the masked vigilante.

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