Escape game The Da Vinci Code[Closed]

Company: The Great Escape Canada

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165 Geary Avenue Toronto, ON M6H 2B8 ()

416 530-5858

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Sophie Neveu's Grandfather Jacques Sauniere has been murdered at the Louvre. He has given you a key (The Fleur de Lis), and you and your team have been intrusted to find the famous "Holy Grail". In order to complete this quest, your team must ultimately find the cryptex and unlock it using the secret code! Our finest game to date, 'The Da Vinci Code: Quest for the Cryptex' is an adventure that will promise you and your team a thrilling experience with all new puzzles, tasks, and mysteries. We invite you to take the ultimate challenge and beat Da Vinci and his secret code in one hour!!!
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