As an FBI agent you and your team are called to a bunker on Plum Island, an animal disease research facility, to investigate Dr Phillip Doxy. You discover the bunker belonged to a devious scientist and NAZI spy that infiltrated this US government lab in 1943. It was believed that at the time, he was quietly developing a weapon of mass destruction but the whereabouts of his secret lab was never discovered and the scientist disappeared without a trace more than 70 years ago.You quickly learn he was a lead developer in Atomic Weapon technology and that he planted a bomb in the lab! You have one hour to find the bomb and disarm it! Can you find it in time before he releases his deadly research on the world?
Your objective, is to find and disarm the bomb in one hour and accomplish the Agent secret mission orders at all costs. Will you accept? This message will self destruct in 5 seconds…