Escape game Horror Circus

Company: Game Over

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


1739 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON L4X 1L8 ()


Second Floor

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Our story revolves around you, a group of children, really keen on circus performances.
Unfortunately, last night one of your peers was kidnapped. As you were searching for evidence, you found a ticket cut out from a circus you've never heard before, “Wanderlust Circus, 1940”. Without second thoughts, you decided to seek your friend at the circus site and even though you managed to get inside, you realized you are trapped in a cursed circus. Shadows and dark figures appear on the walls creeping between the red and white stripes. I do not know how but, you have to be fast and find a way to get out before the clown returns.

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