Escape game The Cure for the Common Zombie

Company: Improbable Escapes

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


303 Bagot St Kingston, ON K7L 5J9 ()


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The zombie apocalypse moved surprisingly fast.

It’s been months since a nuclear accident created a mutated strain of the common cold, unleashing an undead epidemic that spread like wildfire. Billions are undead, society as we know it is gone, and the last survivors huddle in colonies where every day, the living learn to envy the dead. One by one, the last bastions of humanity are being overrun.

But there are rumours of a cure. Wandering madmen, insane with desperation spread word of a research facility that might be mankind’s last hope, hidden in the most frozen reaches of the deadliest place on earth.


You and your team are the human race’s last chance. Infiltrate the polar outpost, find the cure, and release it to save humanity.

But be quick. Zombies eat your brain in 60 minutes.

…They’re reliable like that.

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