Escape game Serial Escape

Company: EXIT Canada

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


60-880 16 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2R 1J9 ()


Mount Royal Village

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You and your friends were super excited to go to the hockey game. It has been planned for weeks now. One of your friends was in charge of purchasing the tickets.

Unfortunately, no one has owned up to being that person! So you’ve been looking online for days and days for the right amount of tickets when you finally found a person who has exactly the number of tickets and lives right near you.

You agree to meet up in the park to make the transaction – just you, your friends and a stranger.

You all walk around the park for a couple of minutes when you see the person standing at the tree they told you to meet in the park. As you all get closer to the figure, everything goes black and you can’t remember anything else…
Please note that “World of Escapes” provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal does not have the ability to verify the quality of the services provided, and all information about the project is gathered from publicly available sources.

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