Escape game Room 057

Company: Trapped

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

4 reviews


3130 Hwy 7 East Markham L3R 5A1 ()

+1 905-940-6500

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In the year 2036, you woke up on a gloomy morning, wondering why you just had that same dream again. In the dream, you were trapped in an abandoned hospital with a blurry visual of a door labeled room #057, on a remote island. You went through a series of mysterious clues before you were finally saved by a rescue team. However, the virus that you picked up from this place had wiped out your memory. Wait, was this a dream or was this part of an actual lost memory of yours 30 years ago? After going through a tremendous amount of psychological struggles, you've decided to recruit your team to follow that blurry memory of yours, to find the way back to the abandoned hospital again in order to dig out the facts behind your long lost memory...

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