Escape game King Durin's Curse

Company: Trapped

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


1139 Kensington Rd NW Calgary, AB T2N 3P4 ()


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At his zenith, King Durin, known as "The King Under the Mountain," ruled his underground Dwarven kingdom with unmatched prowess. His reign, celebrated for years, ended abruptly when a curse plunged the kingdom into darkness, silencing its joyous halls and leaving it overrun by spiders and Orcs. The once-thriving empire, rich with gold, faded into obscurity, becoming a mere legend of lost treasures whispered among townsfolk. No soul dared to challenge the fortress's perilous grip until a daring group of adventurers, lured by tales of hidden riches, decided to venture into the forsaken mines. This courageous team, unaware of the full extent of danger awaiting, embarks on a journey poised to become an epic saga, facing the unknown perils that have claimed the kingdom as their own.

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